0541 FLOREAL COAT 1.5 mm

outdoorsCompact levelling coating
Wall coating with plaster effect, based on acrylic resin, inert extenders, graded quartz and additives which ensure excellent resistance to algae and mould growth on the treated surfaces. The product features good elasticity, water repellence and breathability, as well as high resistance to all atmospheric agents and sunrays. It offers a compact finish, with great levelling and filling properties in case of irregular and non-homogeneous surfaces.
It is suitable to be applied on plasters, new or painted, made up with lime and on any cement-based plaster in general, and for suitably treated thermal insulation systems.
Technical data
Dry film aspect
grainy matt
1,5 mm
Water vapour transimission rate
Class V2 (medium), 0.14 ≤ Sd < 1.4 (m)
Water permeability
Class W3 (low), W ≤ 0.1 kg (m² h0.5)
Ready to use
Coverage with one coat
2,5 - 2,8 kg/m²
Touch dry
2 - 3 h
→ Diluizione
pronto all'uso
→ Resa
2,5 - 2,8 Kg/m² con 1 strato
Unit size
25 kg
1 kg
Base ED
23,25 kg
Base ED
0,93 kg
Colours (min. order 6 pcs)
25 kg
1015 White
See granulometry in EXTERIOR EFFECTS colour chart